The Music Box: Act Two - Ollie Dupree

The Music Box: Act Two - Ollie Dupree


Balletto Amore - The misfits of dance


Finally, on the right track, I’ve got a grip on this thing called “life.” Ignoring the warning signs, I try to move on with Rocky, forgetting Chase and the heartache of his spiteful betrayal. Unexpected scenarios arise, however, and choices have to be made, forever changing my very soul.

Traumatized and haunted by my decision, I add another secret, and it tears my paradise apart. Unsure how to heal, I run back to what is familiar to ease the pain. When it fails to take away the sorrow, my house of cards begins to collapse yet again. The music box remains broken. I am fighting more demons than anyone ever imagined.

Known for having the grace of a ballerina, the spirit of a fighter, the mouth of a sailor, and the heart of an innocent, young girl, my struggles are about to reach an all-time low as I strain to find balance in everything.

Format: ebook

Publisher: Self-Published (Indie)

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