Short Stories, Poetry & Quotations

A range of short stories, poetry, rhymes and riddles.

Mr. Brown Can MOO! Can You? - Dr. Seuss

Pre-loved paperback children's classic poetic rhyming learning quality cheap secondhand book

$9.95 $4.95

Motivational Poetry Display Magnet: Learning to Fly - Kylie Abecca

Motivational poetry display fridge magnet Learning to Fly by Kylie Abecca


Motivational Fridge Magnet: Learn to Believe - Kylie Abecca

Motivational poetry display fridge magnet


Poetry Magnet: The Unbearable Weight of Truth - Rachel K Jones

Motivational poem display magnet


Refugee Stories In Their Own Words - Laurie Nowell

Pre-loved paperback short true autobiographical story humanitarian quality cheap secondhand book

$29.50 $19.95

O's Little Book of Love & Friendship - O, The Oprah Magazine

Pre-loved hardcover with jacket short stories wellbeing lifestyle quality cheap secondhand book

$26.99 $19.95

The Life Organizer - Jennifer Louden

Brand new hardcover self help organisation tips short stories health wellbeing quality cheap book

$39.99 $29.94

WorkLaughs - Allen Klein

Brand new hardcover with jacket comedy humour quotes anecdotes quips quality cheap gift style book

$39.99 $12.95

Up Words for Down Days - Allen Klein

Brand new hardcover with jacket wellbeing quotes anecdotes quips feel good quality cheap gift book

$31.95 $19.95

Desiderata for Horse Lovers - Max Ehrmann

Brand new hardcover with jacket poetry collection pets animals quality cheap book

$34.95 $12.95

Honestly - Nikki Gemmell

Brand new adult true short story collection comedy quality cheap book

$13.95 $9.95

Put Me in the Zoo - Robert Lopshire

Pre-loved paperback children's book early beginner reader comedy rhyme poetry cheap secondhand book

$7.95 $1.95

Mother and Daughter Friends of the Heart - Todd Hafer

new hardcover gift family mother parent mother's day celebration mum quotations quality cheap book

$49.95 $19.95

We Can Be Heroes - John L Fitzgerald

Pre-loved paperback true story self help inspirational short stories quality cheap secondhand book

$11.95 $9.96

Stories For You - Enid Blyton

Pre-loved hardcover junior fiction novel children's short stories quality cheap secondhand book


Tales of the Brave - Enid Blyton

Pre-loved hardcover junior fiction novel short story collection vintage cheap secondhand book

$9.95 $2.95

Lives of the Poets - Samuel Johnson (Volume II)

Pre-loved hardcover vintage biography collection reference classic vintage poetry secondhand book

$10.95 $6.55

The Man From Snowy River & Other Verses - A. B. 'Banjo' Paterson

Pre-loved paperback adult fiction novel poetry collection historical fiction reference cheap book

$13.95 $9.99

The Sneezing Dog and other stories - Enid Blyton

Pre-loved hardcover junior fiction novel adventure children short stories cheap secondhand book

$8.99 $4.50

It's Not Menopause... I'm Just Like This - Maxine's Guide to Aging Disgracefully

Pre-loved paperback adult fiction gift book comedy humour quotations quality cheap secondhand book

$9.95 $6.45

God in All Worlds - Lucinda Vardey

Pre-loved hardcover with dust jacket reference religion anthology quality cheap secondhand book

$34.95 $19.95

The 2nd Big Big Book of Tashi - Anna Fienberg, Barbara Fienberg & Kim Gamble

Pre-loved paperback junior fiction novel fantasy collection short story cheap secondhand book

$9.95 $3.50

Tashi and the Haunted House - Anna Fienberg, Barbara Fienberg & Kim Gamble (Tashi # 9)

Pre-loved paperback junior fiction novel fantasy children short story cheap secondhand book

$4.95 $3.45

Rumpole - John Mortimer

Pre-loved hardcover adult fiction novel short story court legal comedy drama cheap secondhand book

$32.50 $21.95

Poems - Henry Lawson

Pre-loved paperback text book study classic reference poetry collection cheap secondhand book

$24.95 $19.90

The Gingerbread Boy - Vera Southgate (Well-Loved Tales)

Pre-loved hardcover children fiction novel classic early reader short story cheap secondhand book

$8.50 $1.99

Warne's "Top-All" Book for Boys No. 5 - John England

Pre-loved hardcover junior fiction novel short stories vintage rare out of print secondhand book

$32.95 $4.25

Of Love and War - Philippa Poole

Pre-loved paperback true story autobiography historical letters romance cheap secondhand book

$18.99 $11.95

Kids Say the Cutest Things About Dads - Dandi Daley Mackall

Pre-loved hardcover comedy humour quotations family parenting cheap secondhand book

$18.95 $4.95

Mothers & Daughters - Sandra Deeble

Pre-loved hardcover quotation celebration comedy parenting first edition cheap secondhand book

$11.95 $4.45

My Mother Always Used to Say... - Anna Tochter

Pre-loved hardcover celebration quotation family humour first edition cheap secondhand book

$8.95 $4.45

Families with love - Helen Exley

Pre-loved hardcover photographic gift quotations celebration parenting cheap secondhand book

$10.95 $4.45

Mothers & Daughters - Robert Frederick

Pre-loved paperback celebration family parenting quotations cheap secondhand book

$14.95 $4.90

Mothers & Daughters - Wynn Wheldon

Pre-loved hardcover quotation celebration comedy family classics first edition cheap secondhand book

$9.95 $4.99

The Heart of Phi Phi's Children - Put Yardfon Booranapim

Pre-loved paperback rare short true story drama tragedy cheap secondhand book

$12.95 $4.45

Why is the Cow on the Roof? - Robert Leeson

Brand new junior fiction novel comedy humour short stories young readers cheap book

$15.95 $4.99

Shakespeare's Stories - Tragedies

Preloved novel short story classic play Shakespeare study secondhand book

$28.85 $15.00

The Narrow Road - Brother Andrew with John & Elizabeth Sherrill

Pre-loved paperback novel religious autobiography short story collection secondhand book

$22.00 $6.95

Secrets of Reaching 100 - Laurette LeCras

Pre-loved paperback true life quotations secondhand book

$24.95 $9.99

Trick or Treat - N. J. Walters, Jan Springer, Charlene Teglia, Tawny Taylor

Pre-loved paperback novel erotic romance adult fiction anthology secondhand book


Unlikely Friendships - Jennifer S. Holland

Pre-loved paperback novel true short animal stories secondhand book


Opal - Opal Whiteley

Pre-Loved paperback poetry novel biographical secondhand book


Pretty Star the Pony and other stories - Enid Blyton

Pre-loved hardcover children's classic short stories junior fiction secondhand book


Just So Stories - Rudyard Kipling

New paperback novel short story compilation book

$12.95 $9.90

Scared to Death: Ten Sinister Stories by the Master of the Macabre - Anthony Horowitz

Paperback novel short story horror collection young adult book

$14.95 $8.99

Almost Midnight - Rainbow Rowell

$12.95 $7.99

Thriller Vol. 2 - Edited by James Patterson

Thriller Part 2 Paperback Short Stories Collection


Night Shade: Gothic Tales by Women

Pre-Loved paperback novel short stories gothic tales by women Night Shade


Rise Up Rabid Souls - Debra May - SIGNED

Poets around the world have submitted their dark and raw poetry to produce this stunning anthology


My Rabid Fucking Soul - Debra May - SIGNED

My Rabid Fucking Soul is a collection of Modern, Raw & Dark Poetry with black and white photography.


Dregs - Rachel K Jones - SIGNED


Complete Poetry Works: Volume Two - Kylie Abecca - SIGNED

$14.95 $10.45

Complete Poetry Works: Volume One - Kylie Abecca - SIGNED

$19.99 $11.95

That Horrible Child - Kylie Abecca SIGNED

$22.00 $12.95

Murderous Women - John Dunning

$10.99 $9.90

Stories to Read Aloud: Scholastic Collections - Ian Souter

$11.50 $9.99

Snicker the Brownie and other stories - Enid Blyton
