That Horrible Child - Kylie Abecca (ebook edition)

That Horrible Child - Kylie Abecca (ebook edition)



‘Even the most horrible child has innocent intentions’.

Do you often think your child is a handful? Thought you weren’t coping or questioned yourself? Have you ever wondered what it is you were doing so wrong? Other parents seem to have it all figured out, so why is your child running amok and wreaking havoc everywhere they go? You’re not alone!! 

Kylie Abecca was often labelled a ‘problem child’, she was loud with no social filter, got bored easily and had an abundance of energy. After visits with childhood Psychologists, behavioural therapists and an endless list of other professionals Kylie was diagnosed with countless problems, from learning disorders and ADHD, to eye site problems, Epilepsy and more. 

It was suggested to her mother that Kylie be ‘put into care and forgotten about’, however Kylie’s mum refused to believe her daughter was a lost cause and instead faced the challenge of raising her daughter head on. A decision neither of them have regretted her making. 

‘That Horrible Child’ is a collection of true short stories of Kylie’s childhood antics. From blocked drained and kidnapped infants, to pet spiders and make-up horrors – one child managed it all. With illustrations by Kylie’s childhood friend, Vanessa Mulcay and a forward written by Kylie’s mum Sylvia Gerritsen. Including a list of important contacts for parents in Australia, America and the U.K. this book is a must have for any parent (or anyone considering becoming a parent).

Format: ebook

Pages: 165

Publisher: Self-published through CreateSpace

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